Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Kemurungan dek Brazil 1-7 German


Baru lepas sahur ni..tengah kenyang..
Sahur masak sardin ala asam pedas.. sedap ye.satu lauk je.

I tengah Happy sangat sbab German menang...
Bukan tau sangat pasal bola pun.. but its a tradition for the hubby to ask me to pick a team.
And selalunya...its always German. Ntah kenapa.. lagi satu team tukar2..ikut mood tahun tu
And Hubby..selalu sokong Peranchis (out) and Brazil..

Tak sia-sia haku pick German..Now dah kalah ni... he's little bit murung now
Tak nak pasang tv...tak nak on Internet or tanak dengar any review..ek eleh/
Masa dah 5-0 dah tak nak tengok lagi..
Emo.... termenung kat sofa... bersedih..
harus i baca review kuat2x
Suka3x/.... inilah masanya!!

Tak boleh blah ada satu comment..this guy from US..he was actually working overtime..
And,finally when he browsed the Net for the game he actually thought his browser had been attacked by some kind of virus..and tried to referesh few times sebab macam tak logic with the score result..lastly baru dia accept memang Brzail dah kalah 6-0

and there's another comment yang kelakar.. he said he was being Neutral for the game..but,he propose this time they really should making some kind of Mercy rule in last few minutes for Brazil to score.. for the sake of Brazillian populations!! haha .. Boleh trauma weh..

Ow..there's another guy comments that he cannot believed this actually is a semi final game because this kind of scores only valid on a Play Station!! bahahaha
Boleyyy imagine tak.. i read all this comments loudly to that poor broken hear-ted guy...
Waa...this is the real satisfaction mann...

Takde kasik chance la... because he will do the same if German defeated!!

To hubby-eventhough the is the most total humiliation at the highest ranking of all for the World Cup host itself to end the battle ...even a nightmare wasn't this bad..
but... di bulan Ramdhan ni kita kenalah banyak-banyak kan bersabar..
Harap lepas ni boleh la bangun qiyam dengan tenang...
okay... bye..

Peminat Brazil ...jangan marah naa... this jokes only valid for my dear hubby. okeh..
u all tak..u all rock!!

1 comment:

  1. suka tengok match yg ada byk gol mcm semi final ni..


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